728x90 전체 글113 Control Plane vs Data Plane * Operating a packet-switches network involves handling 2 kinds of packets===> Conrol & Data 1. Control Plane- The set of operations for handling control packets ( Control Packets carry the messages meant for directing nodes on how to transfer data packets )- Usually happens in background, longer timescales, say hundreds of milliseconds(ms) to tens of seconds- Often requires more complex compata.. 2013. 2. 20. router - 2-level hierarchy : local area, backbone- area border routers : 자신의 망을 구축하기 위해 거리를 summarize하여 다른 area border router들에게 advertise- backbone routers : backbone에 한하여 OSPF routing ( OSPF : Open Shortest Path First)- boundary routers : 다른 AS의 boundary router에 연결 2013. 2. 20. libpcap 파일 포맷 libpcap file format 1. Global Header - 24bytestypedef struct pcap_hdr_s { guint32 magic_number; /* magic number */ guint16 version_major; /* major version number */ guint16 version_minor; /* minor version number */ gint32 thiszone; /* GMT to local correction */ guint32 sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */ guint32 snaplen; /* max length of captured packets, in octets */ guint32 network; /* data .. 2013. 2. 20. 3way handshake 바이트수 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나의 노가다를 통해 알아낸 결과 SYN : 16x4+8+6 = 64+14 = 78bytesSYN,ACK : 16x4+8+2 = 64+10 = 74bytesACK : 16x4+2 = 66bytes 빨간부분이 항상 일정하다 지금생각해보면 뻘짓인데... 난 저 뻘짓을 26번이나 했다 헐키트위터가 뭐길래 ㅜㅜ 2013. 2. 20. 이전 1 ··· 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ··· 29 다음 728x90